Saturday, February 7, 2009

Xanax is best for Anxiety. It realy Works

Xanax alprazolam has proven itself to be very effective in the treatment of Anxiety. I have first hand experience because my roommate used to buy xanax at a pharmacy but then got xanax online, while on xanax (sometimes generic xanax) he use to get up repeatedly in the middle of the night and check all the doors and windows, the corners of the room, the store room and of course the stove! I waited for something that could logically establish the reason behind her fear, but I never could understand what made her pass sleepless nights...

I never saw her at peace in her personal life or in her social life. As if something was always haunting her and kept her back from being happy and leading a normal life. It also kept me from sleeping but once she started taking Zanax both of us were finally able to lead a more normal life.

Later in life, I understood it was a mental illness that is caused by anxiety disorder. I also remember the distinct difference in her once she began taking her medication, which was Xanax. Many other medications are available today but this one worked for her and it is available online for a lot less money. This is an emotional disturbance which is not based on actual reason or experience but on disastrous fantasy. And you can understand the effect of continuous disastrous thoughts on a normal life as well as on health. If anxiety disorder overpowers a life, it is indeed going to ruin all the charms of life. But it does not mean that anxiety disorder is not treatable, there are self-help measures and psychological therapies as well as medications like Xanax are available.

Today, let me tell you how you can help yourself in anxiety disorder;

* Maintain a journal of all your phobias and reason of anxiety. Just write down all the thoughts that are scaring you. This is a way of self management, this way you will be able to understand your fears and anxiety.

* Take your time and read out loudly whatever you have written on the journal. Read aloud so that you can listen to your own words. You will realize how funny and meaningless they are.

* There is a simple exercise for you. Sit in a position that is most relaxing for you, now take deep breath. Practice deep breathing foe at least 15 to 20 minutes before going to bed.

* Do not sit idle. It is said that ‘an empty mind is a devil’s workshop’. Keep yourself active whole day, do anything you enjoy doing, like doing the garden, playing, piano, swimming, music etc apart from your day to day work . You will feel good at the end of the day.

* Do not take caffeine when you are feeling anxiety…it will increase the adrenaline in your blood.

* If you feel that you’re not able to fight your anxiety blues, please see a doctor and take medications or psychotherapist’s help.

Follow the above tips and try to live a life which is free of unwanted and meaningless phobias. There are a lot of happiness, hope and fun waiting for you in your life. Do not spoil those for your anxiety and panic.

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