Monday, February 23, 2009

Is xanax the same as diazepam ? What Drugconnectionrx Say

In DrugConnectionRx.Com many customer asks the same questions. like...

What are the differences between Xanax and Diazepam/valium?

How are the effects different and when are each prescribed?

I think people use Xanax like valium, but I really don't understand the difference, and when I read the side effects, I learned that Xanax can actually CAUSE anxiety.

I'm looking for something that will numb me up for a flight I have to take. I have huge anxiety when I fly.

Which one is best if I want to be knocked out for a duration?

and may questions like this but Drugconnectionrx will solve your problem.

xanax and valium are the same thing. they have different trade names because they are manufactured by different drug companies but they **** you up the same .with those drugs you will be really chilled out and probably not worry about things but still be alert enough to react in an emergency. Ambien will probably totally knock you out, so if you really need to be unconscious for this flight I'd recommend that. Otherwise, get a valium.

You need to talk to your doctor. Do not take things that are you are not prescribed for. Ambien is a sleep agent. Why would you want to take that? I mean how long is your flight? Is it over sea's? I really don't know of to many doctors that are going to want you knocked out for a I would not want to be either. What if they needed to wake you up for something? Just be careful on taking drugs. Also you know there are classes for anxiety. But, please call your doctor and explain your intense anxiety.

Xanax can make you feel more relaxed and not as jittery but i take Diazepam as a sleep aid and it works well for me. I recommend the valium.Take either a good dosage of Xanex or Valium if you want to fly and be somewhat conscious (and pretty high) or take Ambien if you want to just completey fall asleep and wake up safely on the ground. Hey, another benefit is that if your airplane crashes and everyone dies, you'll be asleep so you won't even hear the screams of everyone as they die in terriable agony and fire and explosion and your death will probably be instantanious.

Ambien will make you go to sleep, a lot of times Xanax is perscribed for flights only because with Valium the residual drowsiness is extreme, the best for a short flight would probably be Ativan, as you will be alert easier but still will have the same effect (BTW all the drugs described besides Ambien, belong the the Benzodiazapine family of drugs)


Anonymous said...

Good post but I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this topic?

I'd be very thankful if you could elaborate a little bit further.
Thank you!

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